Design Tips,  Remodel Design

I Want To Renovate Now Where Do I Start ?

So you know you want to renovate your home… now what? It can be overwhelming to think of doing a home renovation. I’m going to give you some steps for you to follow to keep your renovation running smoothly!


Decide what you want to re do in your home. Kitchen from 1922 ? Bathroom that’s the size of a postage stamp? Those could be good places to start. You want to decide what part of the home is keeping you from living a functional peaceful joyful daily life. Aha! Im sure an area or your home just popped in your head! That’s where you should start to renovate.


You need to decide what you are comfortable spending on the renovation. I know your thinking ” Kristina I have no idea what something like this costs to renovate” . You see that doesn’t really matter. What matters is what you can comfortably spend, then you can decide with your designer ( hopefully us 😉 ) or your GC if you can afford the full renovation or if you need to do it in phases.

A few helpful numbers to keep in mind as you start this journey…

  • Its unlikely that your getting a full kitchen renovation these days with permits for less then $80,000. Now if that number just made you poop your pants, breathe its okay there are other options if you cannot switch out the cabinets. This is where a designer can help you decide how to go about renovating within your budget.
  • If your looking to switch out your flooring the base price you can use in your head is at least 6$/sqft. Now obviously this changes depending on the type of material and layout, but do not ever plan for less than that.
  • Bathroom renovations can vary so I cannot give you a number for that but I will say there are no bathrooms getting completely remodeled for $7500 anymore. This was possible in the past but with the cost of labor and materials now it is not an option.

Now if someone comes to you and gives you prices for less then these that’s great but PLEASE investigate investigate investigate because I cannot say it ENOUGH you get what you pay for. So please be careful your not getting materials from China that aren’t going to last you a year or that your not getting someone who is not licensed who is going to put you or your family in danger because they do not know what they are doing.


Now is the time you want to start meeting with GC or Designer. If you were to meet with us we have GC’s we bring with us so you do not need to worry about that part, I do encourage you to hire a designer at this point but if that is not in the budget for you then start to meet with General Contactors. Your GC will come out and take measurements and begin the process for any permits you may need! Yay this is an exciting time. BUT you cannot start to renovate just yet, be prepared the permits can take anywhere from 3-6 months, so plan accordingly. Now is a good time to choose all of your materials so when they get started you will be ready to go. This is also a good time to arrange a place to stay during the remodel because it can be hard to live in your home during the construction time. Start to box up everything in your space so you will be ready for Demo Day!

Renovations and Remodels can be hard whether your remodeling a mansion on Palm Beach, or a rancher in Port St. Lucy it can be a little scary. We understand that! We know having a designer is not always in the budget for everyone but we are hoping that these tips and the contractor schedule below can help make it an amazing experience for you!

Here is a link to our list of all the choices to be made during your remodel ! This will help you to stay very organized and you can give it directly to your GC when your finished!

Click here to download our contractor schedule!

If you would like us to design your remodel, you can schedule a call with us here!

Want some ideas for your renovation ? You can click here to view our work!